Event Details


The 2024 Maine Engineers Week Exposition will be held at The University of Maine Field House in Orono, Maine.

We invite you to participate in the Expo as an exhibitor for the anticipated 1000 people who are expected to experience firsthand the many contributions that Maine Engineers make to our communities and way of life. The standard exhibitor space is $150 for a 96in. x 30in. table and a 10ft. x 10ft. area. Additional tables and space may be available at no cost by request. As part of the registration process, a survey is provided for additional requests, such as access to electrical power and water or additional tables and space. If you are a sponsor or a non-profit/educational institution, the exhibit fee is waived.

The Expo will begin at 9 am and finish at 2 pm. In attendance will be Maine’s top engineering firms, engineering schools, educators, government agencies, industry, and engineering societies.

With your help, we can provide many young people with a first-rate event that shows them all the exciting places that their math, science and communication skills can take them. Your participation will help encourage our youth to pursue careers in engineering and provide a diverse and vigorous workforce for the future.


EXHIBITOR Registration Form

Maine Engineers Week Expo 2025 - Exhibitor Guide

Exhibit Drop Off & Setup

There are two time windows available. Those times and related information is included below.

Friday, 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm:

  • At this time, tables will be set up and arranged in advance of the expo. You are free to set up your exhibit at this time. Setting up an exhibit the night prior to the expo is often less hectic.

  • Please be aware that electricity may not be available until Saturday morning.

  • Please also note that the Banquet will be held this evening, which conflicts with exhibit setup time.

  • The fieldhouse will be locked, however, there is no special security in place Friday evening. Please do not leave any items that require some attention in order to secure adequate security.

Saturday, 7:00 am - 9:00 am:

The doors of the fieldhouse will open at 7:00 am. Coffee and refreshments will be available for exhibitors located on the stairway landing at the entrance of the fieldhouse.


When: Friday, March 7th, 2025, 5 pm - 8 pm

Where: Wells Central Dining, University of Maine, 34 Long Rd #2, Orono, ME 04469

Schedule of Events

  • 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm (Cocktail Hour)

  • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Dinner)

  • 7:00 pm - 7:10 pm (MEPC Presentation)

  • 7:10 pm - 8:00 pm (Keynote Presentation, Q&A) Cocktail hour will begin at 5 pm, followed by dinner at 6 pm, and the keynote presentation at 7:10 pm.


Friday, March 7th, 2025

  • Setup: Parking will be available in the North Gym Lot and Dunn lot.

  • Banquet: Parking will be available at the Bennett Lot across from the Ferland Center.

  • Parking lots can be viewed online at https://umaine.edu/campus-map/.

Saturday, March 8th, 2025

  • Expo parking will be available in the North Gym Lot and Dunn Lot for Exhibitors and the

  • General Public. Additional parking is available at posted visitor parking lots.

Expo General Information & Restrictions

The Expo will be open to guests starting at 9:00 am.

Plan accordingly for lunch as there is no scheduled break. There will be Concessions onsite during the event. Bringing in outside food for lunch is also permitted.

A map of the event space with spatial assignments will be provided at the event to all exhibitors.

Fieldhouse Restrictions:

  • If water is to be used in your display and this was not identified during registration, please notify a MEPC representative so that a tarp will be provided for you to place underneath your display to protect the fieldhouse floor.

  • If other liquids or chemicals are to be used in your display and this was not identified during registration, please notify a MEPC representative.

  • If additional power sources are needed in addition to that specified during registration, please notify a MEPC representative.

  • Wi-Fi access is available at the Expo, however, this may be bandwidth constrained during the Expo. Please plan accordingly and consider bringing a WiFi hotspot or downloading resources for offline use, where possible.

Exhibit Tear down

Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm:

At this time, exhibitors will pack and clean up their exhibit areas. UMS facilities management will remove the tables, chairs, and clean the facility.

The Field House will return to its normal activities starting at 3:00 pm. Exhibit areas must be completely packed up by 3:00 pm.

Suggested Lodging

Travel Directions, and Campus Map

Directions and a Campus Map can be found on the University of Maine website.


Directions to UMaine Campus New Balance Field House:

From the North:

  • Follow I-95 S to Orono. Take exit 193 from I-95 S

  • Continue on Stillwater Ave. Take US-2 ALT W/College Ave to Gym Dr

  • Sharp left onto Stillwater Ave (signs for US 2/Indian Isle/Old Town/Orono)

  • Pass by Burger King (on the left in 0.2 mi)

  • Turn right onto US-2 ALT W/College Ave

  • Turn left onto Long Rd

  • Turn left to stay on Long Rd

  • Destination will be on the left

From the South:

  • Follow I-295 N and I-95 N to Orono. Take exit 193 from I-95 N

  • Continue on Stillwater Ave. Take US-2 ALT W/College Ave to Gym Dr

  • Merge onto Stillwater Ave (signs for US 2)

  • Pass by Burger King (on the left)

  • Turn right onto US-2 ALT W/College Ave

  • Turn left onto Long Rd

  • Turn left to stay on Long Rd

  • Destination will be on the left.