Event Details
The 2024 Maine Engineers Week Exposition will be held at The University of Maine Field House in Orono, Maine.
We invite you to participate in the Expo as an exhibitor for the anticipated 1000 people who are expected to experience firsthand the many contributions that Maine Engineers make to our communities and way of life. The standard exhibitor space is $150 for a 96in. x 30in. table and a 10ft. x 10ft. area. Additional tables and space may be available at no cost by request. As part of the registration process, a survey is provided for additional requests, such as access to electrical power and water or additional tables and space. If you are a sponsor or a non-profit/educational institution, the exhibit fee is waived.
The Expo will begin at 9 am and finish at 2 pm. In attendance will be Maine’s top engineering firms, engineering schools, educators, government agencies, industry, and engineering societies.
With your help, we can provide many young people with a first-rate event that shows them all the exciting places that their math, science and communication skills can take them. Your participation will help encourage our youth to pursue careers in engineering and provide a diverse and vigorous workforce for the future.